SEOJuice: GDPR, CCPA and cookie law compliant internal linking

Even though you insert SEOJuice script into your website, this can still be done without collecting any personal data or personally identifiable information (PII), without using cookies and while respecting the privacy of the website visitors. 

Here’s a closer look at our data policy, the information that we do collect, what we use it for and steps we’ve taken to comply with the cookie law and the privacy regulations such as the GDPR, CCPA and PECR.First thing first: What we collect and what we use it for

The goal of SEOJuice is to insert automated links into your website, it is not to track visitors. We don’t use cookies, we don’t generate any persistent identifiers and we don’t collect or store any personal or identifiable data. All of the data is aggregated data only and it has no personal information.

Hosted in the EU powered by European-owned cloud infrastructure

I'm a solopreneur based in Switzerland. The legal entity is incorporated in Switzerland. 

All of the data that we process is kept fully secured, encrypted and hosted on 100% renewable energy powered server in Falkenstein, Germany. The server is owned by Hetzner, a European company. This ensures that all of the website data is being covered by the European Union’s strict laws on data privacy.

For encryption, we use https in transit and the hashing process at rest. We also do regular backups. The backups are also stored in the EU, in a redundant site. You can read more about our security here.

We’ve tried hard to limit external services that we use and none of them have access to any of the data that we do collect. No third party vendors are involved other than the hosting company that owns the servers where the data is stored. 

You don’t have to worry about Schrems II and that it invalidates the EU-US Privacy Shield. Your website data never leaves the EU.

Ownership of your data

When you use our service to generate links and create linking structure, SEOJuice will collect a small information about your visitors (IP-Address, Browser), which is discarded and not stored in any way. You entrust us with your site data and we take that trust to heart. The privacy of your site data — and it is your data, not ours! — is a big deal to us.

By using SEOJuice, you keep 100% ownership of your website data. Although when using our hosted service, your data is stored on our server in the cloud, you remain completely in control of your site data and you fully own all of your data too.

You own all right, title, and interest to your website data. We obtain no rights from you to your website data. We will never sell or share your site data to any third-parties.

  • Your website data is not shared with advertising companies or any other companies in general.
  • Your website data is not sent to any third-parties at all.
  • Your website data is not mined and harvested for personal and behavioral trends.
  • Your website data is not monetized.

You can choose to delete your account and delete your site stats at any time. We provide simple no-questions-asked deletion links.

All your stats will be permanently deleted immediately when you delete your SEOJuice account or when you delete your site stats. We cannot recover this information once it has been permanently deleted.

Why should I trust you?

We are not a black box. Everything is in the open. Anyone can view, review and inspect the JS snippet you integrate to verify that we practice what we preach.

This is essential in the market of privacy software. Corporations and proprietary software cannot always be trusted when data is in question. The only way to prove your trust is to allow experts to look into your code and verify that you’re actually doing what you’re saying you’re doing.

We’re happy to provide information on how SEOJuice is built to help you comply with the different privacy regulations.

Here’s also an independent legal assessment on GDPR-compliance of SEOJuice written by an experienced data protection expert and lawyer.

We encourage you to discuss specific issues with your lawyer to help you decide whether our service allows you to fulfill the legal requirements that apply to you.

GDPR, CCPA and PECR compliant web analytics

By using SEOJuice, you don’t need to have any GDPR, CCPA or PECR prompts and you don’t need a complex privacy policy about your use of the service. With SEOJuice, you are not tracking any personal data after all. Your visitors can enjoy your site without any annoyances and distractions.

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